
Entry 1 - Introduction

Hi all, I’m Lauren, I’m 19 and I live in Brisbane. I moved to Brisbane in 2005 from Sydney and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. My hobbies include photography, netball, dancing, football and going clubbing. I love my family and hanging out with my friends, they are my life and they mean the world to me (as you can see from my photos).

I am currently studying a bachelor of arts at Griffith University at the Gold Coast and I’m hoping to major in media and communications. This is my first year at uni and so far I have found it very different to school. The environment is very laid back and I have found the people at uni have been very helpful and friendly. So far the only thing that i haven’t liked about it all is travelling to and from the coast from Brisbane 4 days a week, and the worst part of it all is when you have a class at 9 am on Monday morning, after a sleepless weekend, dragging yourself out of bed before the sun has risen and jumping on a packed train full of annoying little school kids... that is horrible and i don’t advise anyone to catch the 7:30am train to the coast....

Anyway, the main purpose for this blog is not to complain about the QLD transport system, it has actually been designed as a part of my first semester assessment for my uni class, New communication Technologies. Every week we have to make weekly blog entries explaining what we have learned in our tutorial classes and our lectures...FUN!!!

So, the first lecture in New Communication Technologies was basically an introductory lecture to the course where we went over the course outline and what we would be doing over the next 13 weeks. In our first tutorial class, which is on first thing Monday morning (not cool) we just introduced ourselves.
Anyways i think that’s enough rambling….. bye bye for now

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