
Entry 2 - Communcation Technologies

Before I moved to Queensland in 2005, I don’t think I used the internet for anything but downloading music. I didn’t have Msn, no Myspace I didn’t even have an email address. The only form of communication technology I relied on way my mobile, which is still the main thing I use to communicate. I don’t think I’d survive without my mobile… seriously I sleep with it in my hand that’s how bad I am. I go through like $120 worth of credit in like 3 days if I’m lucky, Its insane!!!

However, in the last couple of years, I have become rather dependent on the internet as another form of communication. Msn and Myspace have become part of my everyday routine which is actually quite strange for me considering I use to bag out all my friends for using them so much and now I do it to… it really is addictive.

Making a Myspace account was a big step for me because I use to think that it was a waste of time, actually sometimes I still think it is but its amazing what people do then they are bored. I think I’ve had Myspace for about 5 months now and since I created my account I have found people on there that i haven’t spoken to in years. Also I have made a number of random friends overseas which proves to be quite entertaining sometimes. I also use Myspace to keep in contact with friends and family back in Sydney which doesn’t surprise many people considering that’s what most people on Myspace, bebo and facebook do. I don’t have bebo or facebook yet but I’m sure when I could be bothered setting up an account I will.

Emails! Well my email address is not a good way to contact me because I hardly ever check my email which is probably a bad thing because sometimes important things get sent to it and I never seem to get the message on time. It gets annoying but I suppose its my own fault.

Anyway I really couldn’t be bothered writing anymore so bye bye

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