

Has the media enhanced the popularity of Myspace?

Myspace is an online social networking tool that allows users to keep in contact with family and friends as well as meet new people from all over the world. Myspace was established in 2003 and over the past 5 years, its popularity has soared to approximately 5 million memberships a month, according to Myspace statistics.[1] There have been a number of aspects that have contributed to the popularity of Myspace, some including online advertising, networking, the functions and opportunities available through membership and media representation.

The media has contributed to the enhancement of Myspace in a number of ways. Users of Myspace are provided with the opportunity to find and express their identity through an online tool used world wide. However, as many young people in today’s society are struggling in finding who they are, the media has assisted them by becoming a major influence in encouraging youth to fit in with what society deems normal. Also, the media has alerted many people, particularly adults to the dangers associated with Myspace. They also seem to publicise the bad over the good, whereas as young people neglect the bad stereotypes portrayed throughout the media and continue to use it constructively to communicate with old and new friends.

In some sense, rebellion could also be considered an aspect that is helping the media enhance Myspace because with all the bad publicity Myspace receives, parents are encouraged to protect their children from the harms and dangers that reside from this website. Furthermore, Myspace has been generally over publicised in the media creating an obsession and addiction among today’s generation of teenagers. The more teenagers hear about it, the more they want to get involved. Regardless of the way in which the media is portraying Myspace, teenagers are finding it necessary to conform to the latest craze and go against the negative stereotype that has created merely to fit in and not be considered oppositional.

The media is considered a major influence in the lives every individual. There are many factors within today’s society that contribute media representations. It also plays a major role in the popularity and infamy of different subjects. News reporting is a very influential process that can portray subjects both positive and negative. Most articles and reports have the ability to persuade readers into believing what has been written. Myspace has received some positive but mostly negative publication, and as the majority of readers and viewers excel outside the youth division, many perceive Myspace as a danger to young people rather than a resourceful communication tool.

A newspaper article titled Fake profile mum faces charges was published on the 11th of January, 2008 and was written by technology reporter Andrew Ramadge.[2] This article has been publicised throughout the media used as an example to discourage young people to use Myspace. It tells of the fake profile mum that tormented and harassed a thirteen year girl over Myspace, this incident in which became the cause of this young girls self inflicted death. This tragic incident persuaded bad publicity towards the online tool, saying that it is dangerous and not safe for children.

This article misrepresents Myspace, making readers believe that this sort of incident happens all the time, when in fact users know that it doesn’t. Myspace provide users with privacy and security of their personal profile, however, it is up to the user to utilize these functions and apply them to its maximum advantage. Due to this incident and few others concerning minors and online bullying, Myspace has changed its privacy and security acts so that Myspace users under the age of 14 have their profiles protected and restricted from people that are over 18 that they do not know [3]. This will hopefully prevent some online harassment but unfortunately people online aren’t always who they say they are, so warnings have been applied also to take precautions and be careful and aware of what could happen.

Myspace is not as dangerous as the media often perceives it. Yes, there are people on it that cause problems, but with over 27 million users [4], it would become difficult to keep track of every comment posted and determine whether or not profiles are accurate or not. Furthermore, Myspace can be viewed in a positive light as well and with the influence of the media, Myspace is actually helping in the development of our future generation of adults.

The media offers a stereotypical perception of what society expects from today’s generation of youth. Young people often turn to the media for ideas about how to act, what to wear and what is considered ‘cool’ at the time. Danah Boyd, a PhD candidate at the University of California and an expert on the subject of Myspace, explains in an article that ‘everyday, we dress ourselves in a set of clothes that conveys something about our identity…. This is identity production.’[5]

It is fair to say that Myspace is an example of identity production. Each Myspace profile that is created becomes a representation of the individual’s identity. Edward, a 17 year old boy from America and a regular user of Myspace states "your page is like your personality,"[6] meaning each picture, phrase, song, etc is an extension of you and who you are. This relates back to identity production and expression of individuality.

In conclusion, the media has portrayed Myspace in a few ways that have determined and enhanced its popularity among young people. Consistent advertising and publications have made the website renowned world wide regardless of whether or not society has a positive opinion of it. Newspaper articles and television reports have emphasised a negative light on Myspace, particularly towards an older audience, whereas young people and Myspace users believe that the media has had a positive impact on Myspace because it is seen as a place where youth can find who they are and where they belong in society.

Finally, youth often reject the bad stereotypes that media have created in regards to Myspace. They see it as a harmless form of communication technology that if used correctly should cease to create problems. Like many other online communication technologies, the media will always have something good and something bad to say, it is up to us as individuals to trust and believe what we read or rather what we experience and make our own judgement based on what we think and not what everyone else thinks.



Entry 6 - Word and Excel

Microsoft Word

Were there any problems?
In regards to this exercise on Microsoft word, I didn’t have any problems with it. The steps were fairly straight forward so it wasn’t too complicated.

Did you find it too simple or confusing?
I would not call this exercise simple nor confusing… as I said before the steps are fairly straight forward so the exercise was kind of idiot proof.

Can you see how this software might be useful to you?
It is evident that Microsoft word is a valuable program that has many different functions that are used for various things.

Microsoft Excel

Were there any problems?
The only problem I had with this exercise was when I had to put the formulas in the cells. The first time I entered the formulas into the column it did not come up what it says it should be but when I entered it again it worked.

What were your solutions?
I just re entered the formulas again just in case I made a mistake the first time I entered it and it worked.

Did you find it too simple or confusing?
I have only used excel a couple of times in school so I’m not entirely confident when I have to use it. With this exercise, I found it relatively straight forward with steps however, if the steps were not there to follow I would have no idea what to do.

Can you see how this software might be useful to you?
It is a useful program for maths related exercises. For example, if you want to make a graph or a table or something consisting of numerical data, excel is a suitable program to use.

Entry 5 - Wikipedia

Link -
The article on netball that I got from wikipedia is accurate in regards to the history of the sport, the main objective of the game, the description of the rules and the explanations of each position. The article covers all basic facts about the sport. It is a fair and balanced article because I don’t think you can be biased towards the description of a sport. The only thing I would change in the article is the way the rules are explained. I would make it a little more straight forward because it was hard to understand what they are talking about because it is written confusingly and if I didn’t know how to play the game; those rules would not help me

Save the Last Dance 2
Link –
This article is accurate but very brief. There isn’t a lot of information in the article but it covers the basic plot and the main character, however, there is a link to an article relating to the first movie and I had a look at that article and it has a lot more information about the movie, the music, characters and awards won for the film, whereas the second film article doesn’t mention anything about music. Information about the music in the film would be helpful and improve this article!!!


Entry 3 - Random Questions

This week for our blog entry we have been given the task of answering the following questions without using Google or Wikipedia.

1. Who was the creator of the infamous "lovebug" computer virus?
The infamous “love bug” computer virus was created by Onel de Guzman, a student in the Philippines

2. Who invented the paper clip?
In 1899, Norwegian inventor Johan Vaaler invented the paperclip.

3. How did the Ebola virus get its name?
The Ebola virus was first discovered in the democratic republic and was named after a river there.
4. What country had the largest recorded earthquake?
The world’s largest recorded earthquake was recorded in Chile, South America in 1960.

5. In computer memory/storage terms, how many kilobytes in a terabyte?
1 Terabyte is equivalent to 1073741824 kilobytes

6. Who is the creator of email?
Email was created in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson

7. What is the storm worm, and how many computers are infected by it?
Storm Botnet is a distributed computer network consisting of computers remotely controlled without their owner's knowledge.
Computers in the Storm Botnet are home and small office machines running the Microsoft Windows operating system which have been infected by the Storm worm. Storm got its name as the worm was first spread though spam email with the subject "230 dead as storm batters Europe." Today, the Storm Botnet is considered to be the largest botnet in the world, with as many as 5 million computers under its control. The Storm worm was first identified in January 2007. Within one week of its discovery, the worm had successfully infected over one million personal computers.

8. If you wanted to contact the prime minister of Australia directly, what is the most efficient way?
How to contact the Prime Minister

Parliament House
Suite MG 8Parliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600
Tel: (02) 6277 7700
Fax: (02) 6273 4100
Griffith Electorate Office
630 Wynnum RoadMorningside, QLD, 4170
Tel: (07) 3899 4031
Fax: (07) 3899 5755
Postal Address:
PO Box 476AMorningside, QLD, 4170

9. Which Brisbane-based punk band is Stephen Stockwell (Head of the School of Arts) a member of?
Stephen Stockwell is a member of Brisbane punk band, the Black Assassins.

Entry 2 - Communcation Technologies

Before I moved to Queensland in 2005, I don’t think I used the internet for anything but downloading music. I didn’t have Msn, no Myspace I didn’t even have an email address. The only form of communication technology I relied on way my mobile, which is still the main thing I use to communicate. I don’t think I’d survive without my mobile… seriously I sleep with it in my hand that’s how bad I am. I go through like $120 worth of credit in like 3 days if I’m lucky, Its insane!!!

However, in the last couple of years, I have become rather dependent on the internet as another form of communication. Msn and Myspace have become part of my everyday routine which is actually quite strange for me considering I use to bag out all my friends for using them so much and now I do it to… it really is addictive.

Making a Myspace account was a big step for me because I use to think that it was a waste of time, actually sometimes I still think it is but its amazing what people do then they are bored. I think I’ve had Myspace for about 5 months now and since I created my account I have found people on there that i haven’t spoken to in years. Also I have made a number of random friends overseas which proves to be quite entertaining sometimes. I also use Myspace to keep in contact with friends and family back in Sydney which doesn’t surprise many people considering that’s what most people on Myspace, bebo and facebook do. I don’t have bebo or facebook yet but I’m sure when I could be bothered setting up an account I will.

Emails! Well my email address is not a good way to contact me because I hardly ever check my email which is probably a bad thing because sometimes important things get sent to it and I never seem to get the message on time. It gets annoying but I suppose its my own fault.

Anyway I really couldn’t be bothered writing anymore so bye bye

Entry 1 - Introduction

Hi all, I’m Lauren, I’m 19 and I live in Brisbane. I moved to Brisbane in 2005 from Sydney and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. My hobbies include photography, netball, dancing, football and going clubbing. I love my family and hanging out with my friends, they are my life and they mean the world to me (as you can see from my photos).

I am currently studying a bachelor of arts at Griffith University at the Gold Coast and I’m hoping to major in media and communications. This is my first year at uni and so far I have found it very different to school. The environment is very laid back and I have found the people at uni have been very helpful and friendly. So far the only thing that i haven’t liked about it all is travelling to and from the coast from Brisbane 4 days a week, and the worst part of it all is when you have a class at 9 am on Monday morning, after a sleepless weekend, dragging yourself out of bed before the sun has risen and jumping on a packed train full of annoying little school kids... that is horrible and i don’t advise anyone to catch the 7:30am train to the coast....

Anyway, the main purpose for this blog is not to complain about the QLD transport system, it has actually been designed as a part of my first semester assessment for my uni class, New communication Technologies. Every week we have to make weekly blog entries explaining what we have learned in our tutorial classes and our lectures...FUN!!!

So, the first lecture in New Communication Technologies was basically an introductory lecture to the course where we went over the course outline and what we would be doing over the next 13 weeks. In our first tutorial class, which is on first thing Monday morning (not cool) we just introduced ourselves.
Anyways i think that’s enough rambling….. bye bye for now